Benchmarking Semidbm

Semidbm was not written to be the fastest dbm available, but its performance is surprisingly well for a pure python dbm. Before showing the benchmark results, it’s important to note that these benchmark results can vary across machines and should in no way be considered definitive nor comprehensive. And yes, there are other things besides performance that are important when considering a dbm.

Benchmarking Approach

The benchmarks used for semidbm are based off the benchmark scripts for leveldb. You can run the benchmark scripts yourself using the scripts/benchmark script in the repo. By default, the benchmark uses a db of one million keys with 16 byte keys and 100 byte values (these are the values used for leveldb’s benchmarks). All of these parameters can be changed via command line arugments ( -n, -k, -s respectively).

The benchmark script is written in a way to be compatible with any module supporting the dbm interface. Given the dbm interface isn’t entirely standardized, this is what is required:

  • An open() function in the module (that behaves like,, etc).
  • The returned object from open() is a “dbm” like object. All the object needs to support is __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, and close().

To specify what dbm module to use, use the -d argument. The value of this argument should the module name of the dbm, for example, to run the benchmarks against semidbm:

scripts/benchmark -d semidbm

The -d argument can be specified multiple times.

If a dbm does not support a dbm interface, an adapter module can be written for the dbm. The directory scripts/adapters is added to sys.path before the benchmarks are run, so benchmarking a 3rd party dbm is straightforward. For example, in order to benchmark Berkeley DB using the bsddb3 module, a scripts/adapters/ file was created:

import bsddb3.db
def open(filename, mode):
    db = bsddb3.db.DB(None)
    if mode == 'r':
        flags = bsddb3.db.DB_RDONLY
    elif mode == 'rw':
        flags = 0
    elif mode == 'w':
        flags =  bsddb3.db.DB_CREATE
    elif mode == 'c':
        flags =  bsddb3.db.DB_CREATE
    elif mode == 'n':
        flags = bsddb3.db.DB_TRUNCATE | bsddb3.db.DB_CREATE
        raise bsddb3.db.DBError(
            "flags should be one of 'r', 'w', 'c' or 'n' or use the "
            "bsddb.db.DB_* flags"), None, bsddb3.db.DB_HASH, flags)
    return db

The bsddb3.db.DB object can now be benchmarked using:

scripts/benchmark -d bdb_minimal

Benchmark Results

Below are the results of benchmarking various dbms. Although scripts/benchmark shows the results in various forms of measurement, the measurement chosen here is the average number of operations per second over the total number of keys. For this measurement, higher is better.

The dbms chosen for this benchmark are:

  • semidbm
  • gdbm (GDN dbm)
  • bdb (minimal Berkeley DB interface, scripts/adapaters/
  • dumbdbm

The dbm module was not included because it was not able to add 1000000 to its db, it raises an exception around 420000 keys with an “Out of overflow pages” error.

This first benchmark shows the ops/sec for adding one million keys to the db.


The second benchmark shows the ops/sec for repeatedly accessing 1% of the keys (randomly selected).


The next benchmark shows the ops/sec for reading all one million keys in the same order that they were added.


The next benchmark shows the ops/sec for reading all one million keys in a randomly selected order.


And the last benchmark shows the ops/sec for deleting all one million keys in the same order that they were added.


Note that dumbdbm is not shown in the chart above. This is because deletion of keys in dumbdbm is extremely slow. It also appears to have O(n) behavior (it writes out its data file on every delete). To give you an idea of the performance, running this benchmark against dumbdbm with 1000 keys gave an average ops/sec for the delete_sequential benchmark of 800. For 10000 keys dumbdbm resulted in 104 ops/sec.

The table below shows the actual numbers for the charts above.

  semidbm gdbm bdb dumbdbm
fill_sequential 73810 63177 73614 5460
read_hot 218651 202432 200111 59569
read_sequential 257668 417320 209696 62605
read_random 219962 406594 197690 59258
delete_sequential 144265 119167 135137 0

Benchmarking With Large Values

One area where semidbm benchmarks really well is when dealing with large values. The same 5 benchmarks were repeated, but with only 1000 total keys, 16 byte keys, and 100000 byte values.

The first benchmark shows the ops/sec for 1000 sequential writes.


The second benchmark shows the ops/sec for repeatedly accessing 1% of the keys (randomly selected).


The third benchmark shows the ops/sec for sequentially reading all 1000 keys.


The fourth benchmark shows the ops/sec for reading all 1000 keys in a randomly selected order.


And the last benchmark shows the ops/sec for deleting all 1000 keys in the same order that they were added.


Below is the raw data used to generate the above charts.

n=1000,k=16,v=100000 semidbm dbm gdbm bdb_minimal dumbdbm
fill_sequential 2653 2591 5525 4677 1330
read_hot 61016 8363 23104 11782 31624
read_sequential 42421 8822 1508 11519 26757
read_random 42133 8720 16442 11162 23778
delete_sequential 141379 21167 17695 7267 780

You can see that with the exception of fill_sequential (in which the fastest module, gdbm, was roughly twice as fast as semidbm), semidbm completely outperforms all the other dbms. In the case of read_sequential, semidbm’s 28 times faster than gdbm.

Overall, semidbm’s performance is comparable to the performance of other dbms with small keys and values, but is surprisingly faster than other dbms when reading large values. It’s also clear that semidbm is faster than dumbdbm is all of the benchmarks shown here.

Running the Benchmarks

You are encouraged to run the benchmarks yourself, to recreate the benchmark above, you can run:

scripts/benchmark -d semidbm -d gdbm -d bdb_minimal -d dumbdbm

Though keep in mind that you will probably want to stop the benchmark once dumbdbm reaches the delete_sequential benchmark. Either that or you can leave off dumbdbm and run it with a smaller number of keys:

scripts/benchmark -d dumbdbm -n 10000